Translator Portfolio


Worked as Translator, Project Coordinator at Balkan Tercüme with various documents below, but not limited to:

  • Notary documents (birth certificate, death certificate, ID, place of residence, passaport, apostille etc.)
  • Personal documents (university diploma, certificates, transcript, letter of intent etc.)
  • Court documents (mainly contested divorce, consensual divorce, retirement notification, etc.)
  • A couple of web pages from the health sector
  • Debugger interface of train automation system

I’m also doing volunteered translation of GNU projects here on and off: Translation Project Website.


I said that I love games. But without English, I couldn’t single word of them. TES: Skyrim and Counter Strike was/is my favorite English learning resource (even now). Skyrim for book-like pre-written story and… ehm… Counter Strike for getting into fights, hahahah… (But, currently, my favorite is Cyberpunk 2077. Nice slang, choom!)

In high school, classes in my home country are called foreign language class, mathematics class, literature class, topic-balanced class and I chose foreign languages. Main language was English, and it didn’t click. There are too many grammatical and pronounciation exceptions in the language. I kinda postponed English until the last year of university. Yeah, there was so many holes in my English knowledge (maybe even now?).

Then I studied German Translation at Hacettepe University, Türkiye. German language was good for me. I needed a change and that was German. Everything was nice, regulated, even exceptions has some rules, if you delve into it enough. I got nice education from there, gained and lost a lot of friends, made connections, joined clubs and activities, administered clubs, learned how to search/research, learned so many things…

After the university, I started working at “Balkan Tercüme” Translation company for ~6 months. Immediately after that, I joined the Gendarmerie Forces as an officer to do my compulsory military service in my country. I also did translation there, but unfortunately I cannot write these explicitly. Let’s say this at least: I translated some official and restricted documents. I also dealt with tourism a little bit.

And now, even I transitioned to DevOps, I’m still open to freelance (project based) translating. Nice to meet you!