DevOps Portfolio


will be updated



Starting from 2024, I jumped into DevOps culture. I love scripting, automation and optimization. But before that you can read previous experience:

First steps

When I was at most 2 or 3 years old, in 2000, or maybe 2001, the first computer I saw was a nice shiny white case with a super-duper white CRT, powered by a Windows 98 + standalone MS-DOS dual boot. It had a Pentium 2 CPU, 32 MB RAM, and no graphics card. Before I even learned to walk or write with a pen, I started learning about computers. There was a DOS game called Prince of Persia. But as a noob player, I only beat this game with cheats.

cd C:

Here’s the first introduction to the command line interface to a 2-year-old boy. Because that was what my father did. I learned:

  • How to change directory
  • How to execute a binary file
  • Add execute parameters to binary file
  • Feel like a king while i was cheating through whole game (presses arrow keys and space key furiously)

But still, it is not a knowledge, instead, it is experience. It was “how to cheat this game”, not “how to change directory” nor “how to append parameter to execution”

Going UNIX

Another moment when I delved deeper into the computer started when I tried to set up a game server at computer lab at my middle school in 2009 or 2010, i think. Stupid game but I loved it: Metin2.

I-EVEN-DO-NOT-KNOW-EVERY-SINGLE-THING… in FreeBSD 4.3-or-whatever-archaic-version-has in virtual machine amalgamation of Microsoft Virtual PC. I just booted up the VM, logged in, did some tcp things, copy-pasted something like

/etc/rc.d/netif restart

or stupidly break all virtual machine and restart all building that VM again when something went wrong. But that was…something that gives a lot of experience. The idea of playing the game you play online on your own computer in local LAN and sharing this game server with your friends was a great idea.

I was also exposed to MySQL a little bit. I learned

  • What is a database
  • Navicating“ through database (nice workbench btw., DBeaver still has a lot to do)
  • What is normalization
  • Why my character name is not in the database
  • Why my character is 000001
  • Why my sword name is not in the database
  • But every My Super Sword as 18300 id on it
  • Why I just can not change my Super Sword +0 to +9 graphically
  • But when I changed its 18309, it magically turned into My Super Sword +9
  • But only 000001’s 18309 sword, not 000002’s 18309…

Again, it still is not a knowledge, instead, it is experience.

Time for Linux

There comes a time when everyone is rebellious. Especially during adolescence. This was also developed on the open source side for me. And of course that was nice combo: I was a student and broke. My laptop was crying. Get out Microsoft! Long live Stallman and Torvalds! Needed a change.

Starting high school, in 2012, Ubuntu was my first distro to launch in my system, natively, without virtualization. I was in chaos. Nothing is same as Windows. “Why .exe’s won’t work?”, Why there’s no classic Start Menu or Settings Panel etc.” Even I was power user on Windows, a.k.a. “the IT guy” in primary school or high school, i felt FOMO, I needed to learn from scratch. But still, I was newbie Linux user until 2016-2017. I only used LibreOffice, tried a couple of Windows programs on Wine, tried open source games: TuxKart, OpenArena etc., looked into app store… Even the goverment that time encourages Linux in high school systems (it didn’t work anyway), so whenever there’s a Linux talk, I hopped into there.

I have had some experience with Python. I still quit after doing the first 5-6 lessons.

Third time, again: it is not a knowledge, instead, it is experience.

Then There’s Knowledge

When I started university in 2017, I had to downgrade my gaming rig to cheap laptop for portability. Then I took a big, serious step: using Arch Linux. With this action, it was starting to reveal the first sparks of my workflow that allowed me to gain not only experience but also knowledge. I riced my PC from base-devel to fancy X11 window manager, stunning enough to post it on /r/unixporn. I was also obsessed with minimalism: KISS, suckless, UNIX philosophy, Do One Thing Well, minimal RAM consumption… Throughout this time, I learned basic operations of GNU Coreutils, vim, skeleton of Linux, various daily life command line utilities (curl, youtube-downloader, document convertor, p7-zip etc.), learned how to learn with manual pages.

The things I learned back then still allow me to easily know my way around Linux today.

Into the my first real script

A couple years ago (2022) I automated DragonFable‘s GUI with AHK script… and I mesmerized. DUDE!!! WHAT A NICE THING I HAVE DONE. It would be at least hunderds hours of grinding manually, but, with script, it took less than 6 hours! Also there’s no need to stay in front of monitor… If you know, you know… You need to grind 2256 times to get that throphy. Yeah, I tasted the posion, which covers my whole body - finally. That was the first, meaningful spark of my getting into tech job.

I also use Linux but there’s no AHK equivalent in there. I used to deal with MS-DOS Batch, Shell BASH scripting, but not an extensive, a real-deal programming language. So, hello darkness my old friend = Python. It’s time to learn Python?

But it actually not. I just learned how to write within pre-set library: pyAutoGUI and time. I didn’t learn Python fully. But as I said before, it sparked something.

Getting Started

I said enough is enough. I have been involved with computers since I was born, but I do not have a computer-related profession. I kept researching how I could do this during my military service in 2023, and now I am taking my first concrete steps in 2024.

You can see my progress by clicking this link: My DevOps Journey

So, here I am. Nice to meet you!